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  • Writer's pictureTatianna Wilkins

Pure Intention

I wasn't aware I was operating out of a bad/selfish insecure intent. Then I realized I was haunted by the need to have clear communication, perfection, and an intense work ethic.

Good intention + fear = bad spirit

I didn't know how to not do it myself.

How can I start acting on my pure intentions? Or I get into this let's break down the word intention. (in) inside, soul, heart, spirit, mind. (Tentar) well in Spanish it means to touch. So my analysis of the word is that our intentions are touching, or calling on something that is inside of us. One thing I had to do to keep my intentions pure was to stop giving myself mentally to others and start exerting more time listening to God, myself, and how I felt.

To believe in the spirit is to believe in thy self.

It was not about focusing on perfection but projecting your mind and your spirit. It's not about performance it's about fulfilling purpose.

Reflection Notes

The hardest things for me: Relationships. Why?: I had to trust my own emotions, have to strength to face rejection from my partner and from others, and uncomfortably + vulnerability = a Hell no.

The easiest thing for me: learning. why? I am in control

Triggers to your spirit?

- I would think of other people's perceptions of me. Emphasis on the word PERCEPTION meaning subjectivity meaning out of my control.


You know that common phrase "be yourself", maybe it's really trying to say listen to your spirit. The spirit.


I would have moments of freedom and the spirit of evil would come harder. Operating in the right spirit takes a quiet mind… not silent, quiet. Free of angst and worry. BE OKAY WITH YOURSELF! Talk yourself through those things that get you off track. See what your spirit is saying, see what it's trying to tell you. Life is really about living and not being afraid to make mistakes. Those mistakes are the material that God wants to use.

Who are you when no one is watching? Or do you only do things to be seen? I just feel the need to get out what I have inside of me. This expression comes in the form of questions, art, poems, writing, and singing. When we turn inspiration into capital it's losses its purity. What we really feel is the first draft, the mess, the confusion the feeling that we can't get it together. The process is the expression. True expression is externalizing our reality.

Our world has refined the definition of "beauty" to a concoction of what the "people say is right.” But what if we stopped measuring the chatter and we moved out of pure intention?

"Keep Taking Notes"

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