I want nothing but to be free.
Free from the mistakes of the past.
Free from the love I thought would last.
It feels like a slap in the face...
What worse knowing that it's over or having hope they'll be back?
Humans need what they can't have.
What we think we need is often leading us to our demise
This constant war between
good and evil,
self-love, and ego.
Sometimes writing is the only way I can feel pain.
My tears trapped watering the roots of my pride,
From the truth, I try to hide,
Now I'm stuck here in the open
No longer clothed in lies, but love and it's cold outside.
I left you because of shame
The season's change but the way my heart loves remains.
Pride would say that I am the best one for you, still knowing there is better for me.

Looks like Winter, but it's still Fall