This article on “Global LGBTQ+ advocacy and the Cold War” by Cassandra Harblay talks about how American LGBTQ allies failed to consider the political/social contingencies of Russia, before asserting their culturally based principle of human rights. This article also connects how this assertion of principles was similar to conflicts in the Cold War. A part of the article that caught my attention was when it stated that “Russians were bemused at Americans’ belief in the necessity of disclosing the nature of one’s sexual attractions for ensuring authentic relationships (102). Though I am not a part of the LGBTQ community I did relate to our American definition of what it means to have an authentic relationship. I agree, that I feel more defined if the people around me know who I truly am. This article exposed that there are more cross-cultural differences than just speaking a different language. Different political histories can affect how people identify themselves. These American LGBTQ advocates failed to realize that other countries aren’t following the same patterns. Being aware of these cultural differences is the pinnacle to any global change people would want to see. This article speaks to the real need for global awareness.
+Cover art byAlex JackmanonUnsplash